6sn7 vacuum tube data sheet

Substitutes are given as a guide only please refer to original manufacturers data sheets to ensure that a substitute is safe and appropriate for your application. The immediate predecessor of the 6sn7gt was the 6f8g, developed by rca in 1937. The 6sn7 and its equivalents were once the most popular tube. Jj electronic vacuum tubes, capacitors, amplifiers. Tube 6sn7 or rohre 6sn7 id3337, double triode, octal int. Complete data of the tube can be found in the general electric data sheet. The tube collectors association datasheet on the 6sn7 rca receiving tube manual, rc14, harrison nj, 1940. Classification dometype or auberginetype bulb of glass, a white ceramic base with fourprong bayonet golden pins, oxide coated filamentary, solid plate or mesh or carbon plate triode. The 6sn7gtb is a mediummu twin triode suitable for use in a wide variety of generalpurpose. Frank philipses huge collection of tube data sheets online.

With the revival of tube electronics for audio, the 6sn7gt became a major player. The 6sn7 is basically two 6j5 triodes in one envelope. Not bad at all, but some care needs to be taken to avoid the knees of the curves. Each triode has a raw amplification factor of 20 at a moderately low plate resistance of 7700 ohms. For zerobias data, generator impedance is negligible. These are the plate curves of the tube from a data sheet. Rca was likely the developer, since it had assigned a development number of a4273b. These are octal based tubes and were released early on, far before the small 9 pin preamp tubes we are familiar with today. According to ludwell sibleys tube lore, the 6sn7gt was registered with the rma on march 3rd, 1941, with data from rca and sylvania. Since there never was a metal 6sn7, pin 1 is used for the grid of triode system 1. I just currently finished a tube preamp using a 6sn7 dualtriode,ive heard of really good nos tubes to use,like the rca red base,mullards,and other various tubes,but these are usually expensive. Substitutes are given as a guide only please refer to original manufacturers data sheets to ensure that a substitute is safe and appropriate for your.

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